Why Achilles: A Place of Understanding
Casey Bass Casey Bass

Why Achilles: A Place of Understanding

Tim Utzig lost his vision when he was 11-years-old after being diagnosed with Leber’s Hereditary Optic Neuropathy. His passion for team sports like goalball laid the foundation for his love of running, which became a powerful means of destressing and connecting with his inner self. Find out why he runs with Achilles and how he has found a community of supportive and encouraging friends.

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Passing the Baton of Resilience and Inclusion 650-Miles up the East Coast
Guest User Guest User

Passing the Baton of Resilience and Inclusion 650-Miles up the East Coast

The pandemic kept people apart. The Achilles Resilience Relay brought people back together. Athletes with disabilities and their guides completed a 650-mile relay running, riding and walking from Charlotte, NC, to New York, NY, from June 26 to July 10. With each baton pass, it personified overcoming adversity and shed light on the 26% of Americans living with a disability.

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