Meet the Marathoner: MaryEllen Branna, Achilles New Jersey Guide Takes on Boston

MaryEllen Branna, a long-time volunteer guide of Achilles New Jersey, is giving back in another way this spring. She is taking on the 2023 Boston Marathon as a Team Achilles charity runner with a goal of raising $15,000. It is Achilles’ first and only charity bib for the race. 

“Running is such a gift, one that I am so grateful for,” MaryEllen says. “I want to help give that gift to as many people as possible. The only thing better than crossing your own finish line, is watching someone else cross theirs.”

What inspired you to join Achilles as a guide runner?

“In May of 2019, I was running the Brooklyn Half Marathon with my friend from the Jersey Women Strong running group. She was pacing me to help me get a new PR. As we were running the course, I noticed several groups of runners who were wearing bright yellow shirts that said ‘Achilles International.’ Some of them were holding tethers with athletes or asking people to move out of the way for the runner who was coming through, but mostly they were encouraging each other and having so much fun! As my friend helped me cross the finish line with a new PR, I knew I wanted to get involved with Achilles and do the same thing for someone else. So I contacted Joe Sorbanelli, the Chapter Lead of Achilles New Jersey and he immediately welcomed me into the group.” 

What is it about being a guide runner that you enjoy?

“Besides helping an athlete cross the finish line and being a part of their race story, my favorite thing about being a guide runner is enjoying the connections and friendships I have made with so many athletes. I love sharing our stories with one another of how we got into running and what goals we have for future races. I also love that we share our stories of travel, sports, music and other things that we want to achieve in our lives outside of athletics. The connections we make with each other help make us a stronger team when we are out on the race course.”

How has Achilles impacted your life?

“Achilles has impacted my life by bringing so many different people, both athletes and guides, into it. I don’t know that I would have had the honor of meeting so many awesome people if it wasn’t for Achilles. Hearing about their struggles with physical or mental challenges and how they are pushing through them to achieve their goals has been so inspiring to me. I am in awe of their tenacity and determination to never give up and it inspires me to do the same, not only in running, but in all aspects of my life.”

Why did you decide to run the Boston Marathon as a Team Achilles charity runner?

“The Boston Marathon is the most iconic and challenging of all the six Abbott World Marathon Majors. I have dreamt about running Boston, especially after I completed the New York City Marathon and the Chicago Marathon, in the hopes of collecting all six stars. When I was given the opportunity to apply for the Achilles charity bib, the first ever for that race, I knew it was the right moment for me to apply. I was so excited to receive the bib, as it is the perfect opportunity for me to step up and help the organization that has given me so much joy and so many friendships!

The Achilles New Jersey chapter started with only three people back in January of 2018 and today we have 340 people! To be able to support those athletes and any others who will hopefully join us one day, I know we will need to continue to raise money.”

Help MaryEllen hit her goal and empower athletes living with disabilities by making a donation.


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