TriAchilles Team
TriAchilles introduces individuals with disabilities to multi-sport competitions within New York state and nationwide. Participants have a spectrum of experience and athletic abilities. Many of the athletes have no previous triathlon training and are coached in swimming, biking, and running with the goal of competing in mainstream races alongside able-bodied peers. Other veteran multi-sport athletes represent Achilles within the elite paratriathlon community on the world stage.
TriAchilles is unique because of the wide spectrum of athletes with disabilities which it develops and supports. The athletes' physical challenges include complete and partial blindness, single and double amputations of both lower and upper extremities, traumatic brain injuries, polio, cerebral palsy, and multiple sclerosis. In addition to increasing their own self-esteem and confidence, Achilles athletes challenge the widely held perception of people with disabilities as frail. Their determination and perseverance inspire spectators, supporters, race officials and volunteers.
Starting in early spring, the team meets weekly for swim practice and twice weekly for running and bicycling workouts in Central Park. The team also holds an annual TriAchilles camp every summer. We invite you to come see how we swim, bike, and run!
If interested in participating or learning more, contact TriAchilles@achillesinternational.org.