Achilles Gala Raises Over $650,000 to Support Athletes with Disabilities

Nearly 250 supporters attended the 2022 gala, Celebrate Achilles: An Evening of Hope & Possibility® on Tuesday, September 20, helping to raise over $650,000 to support Achilles’ mission. 

Ross Moody, CEO, National Western Life Group, Inc., and Moody Foundation Trustee, was this year’s honoree. Since 2018, over 750 Achilles athletes with disabilities have crossed the finish line of the TCS New York City Marathon thanks to his generosity and support. The Moody Endowment grants help make the magic of the marathon accessible to all by covering race entries and travel costs. Trisha Meili, Achilles Founding Chairman, presented the award virtually.

Sarah Heller, member of the New York City chapter and TriAchilles athlete, was presented with the Achilles Spirit award. 

“If it wasn’t for all the people who make up Achilles, I wouldn’t know this type of support. We all care about each other’s success. The guides and the athletes are the best people I have ever met. I am so proud, delighted, grateful, touched and flattered to win this award,” said Sarah.

Sarah has amassed over 73 race medals since joining Achilles NYC and TriAchilles in 2010. A serious car accident at age 9 left her with a traumatic brain injury. After a medically induced coma and several months in rehab, she relearned how to walk and talk.

Achilles chapters from around the world were also with us in spirit. Guests enjoyed a special shoutout video featuring Achilles leaders and athletes from Connecticut to Mongolia. Pictures and race highlights were also displayed throughout the venue. Watch the special video greeting here.

“Achilles was founded on the very notion that we can redefine what is possible. At Achilles, we challenge limitations that have been imposed on us, and we break down barriers that prevent access to opportunity and achievement,” said Emily Glasser, Achilles President and CEO. “Every day in parks and on tracks around the globe, Achilles empowers people with disabilities to accomplish things they never thought possible. Our athletes and volunteers join forces to inspire, encourage and show up for one another. They train together, race together and are proof that we are stronger together.”

An Achilles short film raised awareness to guests of how we help people with disabilities reframe what is possible in parks around the globe. Watch the video below.

During the program, Achilles guide Tom Flaherty, M.D., ran across the room with Francesco Magisano, Director of NYC Metro Region who is blind, to educate audience members in a fun way about what it is like to guide an athlete with a disability. He shared a story of how he was first introduced to Francesco at a duathlon start line thanks to Board Member and Presenting Sponsor Rebecca Lindenbaum.  “Can someone guide an Achilles athlete?” she shouted. The rest was history. Though Tom learned how to guide on the spot with another racer due to an unforeseen cancellation, Francesco won the 19-25 year-old age group category.

Francesco’s words post race on social media left a mark with Tom: “Today wasn’t about me. Today was about these two superstar athletes who at the last minute, stood in to volunteer and help me race,” the post said.

Tiki Barber, entrepreneur and former New York Giant running back, was the emcee for the evening. The gala was held at Tribeca 360° in New York City. The evening began with a passed dinner and cocktail hour followed by the main theater style program. Watch the full program below.

Achilles’ mission to break down barriers to the start line and empower athletes with disabilities to cross the finish line would not be possible without the tireless support of our sponsors. Thank you to our generous sponsors and donors.

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