Achilles NYC Adults and Kids Complete Superhero Training Camp

Adults and kids of the Achilles New York City chapter teamed up for the Achilles Superhero Training Camp this August. They logged activity minutes of running, walking, wheeling and even dancing all August long.

“This was an experience for kids to be surrounded by examples of what they can grow up to be.  Representation and mentorship really matter. Providing opportunities like this for our young athletes to see everything they can be, do, and achieve can make a huge impact on the rest of their lives,” said Lindsey Novakovic, Team Achilles Kids Program Manager.

Participants were challenged each week to find new ways to stay active and make friends. A virtual Achilles superhero hammer served as a minutes’ tracker for participants to follow their collective progress.

Achilles Kids crushed their goals, including:

  • Jeremiah who beat his time by two minutes and seven seconds!

  • Matthew set his first record!

  • Ruth set her first record!

  • Yani beat her time by 27 seconds!

  • Kieron, 16, and Yani, 14, trained to participate in their own half marathons! 

The program came to an exciting end at the Superhero Grand Finale workout on August 27 in Central Park. Adults and kids gathered together dressed up in masks and capes to save the day. Athletes from our adaptive cycling program and Achilles Freedom Team veterans even joined in on the fun riding up from their usual meeting place at Loeb Boathouse.

 “I was so pleasantly surprised that so many adults got involved,” said Novakovic. “It was really heartwarming to see the young athletes and adult athletes interacting. It was a reminder to me that as we age, we don't have to lose our sense of play. In fact, we have to immerse ourselves in opportunities like this to engage in the playful nature we all have.”

Joe Park, M.D., Achilles guide and former contestant from “The Bachelorette” franchise, dressed as Clark Kent and teamed up with Achilles Kids runner Kieron, who donned his Spider-Man suit.

The program was filled with laughs, fun, goal crushing, and memories to last a lifetime. Learn more about our chapter workouts across New York City here.

Stretch like a Superhero!

The key to staying strong and fit is to always remember to stretch! See below for tips from some of our favorite superheroes on how to stretch before and after a good workout.

Wonder Woman’s Forearm Stretch

With your elbow straight, palm facing outward and fingers pointing up, use the other hand to gently pull back towards you. 

Then, with your elbow straight, palm facing you and fingers pointing down, use your other hand to gently pull back towards you. 

Complete these stretches on each hand, holding for 10 seconds per stretch, per side.

Wonder woman doing a stretch

Captain America’s Chest Stretch

Sit in a chair with feet hip-width apart. Interlock your fingers behind you near your hips. Your back should be straight. 

Inhale and pull your shoulder blades together, slowly pushing your interlocked fingers up towards the ceiling. Exhale as you hold the position for about 15 seconds, arms at about a 30-to-45-degree angle from your body. Breathe deeply as you hold, looking forward with a straight neck. 

Slowly bring the arms back down toward your hips, then release your fingertips and shake your arms out.

Cartoon graphic of Captain America demonstrating how to do the stretch described

Groot’s Side Stretch 

Sit in a chair with feet about hip-width apart. Straighten your arms out to your sides, fingertips lightly touching the sides of the chair (this is “neutral” position). 

Inhale, raising the right arm up alongside your ear. Exhale as you gently lean toward your left side, sliding your left arm and fingertips down toward the floor. Your right arm should stay straight, alongside your right ear. Inhale as you lift to straighten the spine, slowly bringing the right arm down so fingertips touch the sides of the chair and exhale when you have returned to neutral position. 

Repeat on the other side to complete one round of the stretch. Repeat this stretch for a total of 8 breaths.

Cartoon graphic of Groot demonstrating how to do the stretch described

Storm’s Spinal Twist

Sit with feet hip-width apart in a chair. 

Inhale, raising your arms straight up, elbows toward near your ears. Exhale, slowly twisting at the spine toward your right. Bring your left hand to rest on the outside of your right knee, right arm using the back of the chair to brace yourself (keeping your back straight) and deepen the twist. Hold for one breath.

 Inhale again slowly raising the arms back up in line with your ears, and exhale as you release the twist to face forward. 

Repeat on the other side.

Cartoon graphic of Storm demonstrating how to do the stretch described

Spider-Man’s Hamstring Stretch

Sit in a chair with feet about hip-width apart. 

Extend one leg straight with the heel on the floor, toes pointing toward the ceiling. 

Reach toward toes, bringing your chest toward your thigh and keeping your back as straight as you can. Hold for 15 seconds. 

Repeat with the opposite leg.

Spiderman with a cane doing a stretch

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