Run to Learn Resource Portal
Thank you for bringing the Achilles Kids: Run To Learn program to your students. Below are resources to engage and empower your students living with disabilities to get active.
Five Different Ways to Participate
Virtual Marathon: A 26.2 mile "marathon" that is completed over the course of the school year by kids running, walking or "wheeling" laps during Adaptive PE class, recess, PT sessions, etc. We provide customized maps of your city, town or borough, as well as achievement certificates for various goal levels (1M, 5M, 10M, 13.1M, 20M, and 26M) Many teaching opportunities are available in math, reading, geography, etc.
Moonshot: A 238,000 mile goal distance with combined mileage from all of our schools tallied each month. Monthly certificates and fun fact sheets about rockets, space, the atmosphere and the moon are provided.
Run Across America: a 7,080 mile route from Seattle, Washington to Cumberland, Maine which goes through all the states where we have chapters. Monthly certificates and fun fact sheets about the major cities along the route are provided.
Amazing Race: Shorter distance routes in major cities in the U.S. The routes go by major landmarks (historical and cultural) with information about the significance of each landmark. You can choose whichever cities that are of interest to you and your students and take whatever time you need to complete that route before moving to the next one. Having a series of shorter distance goals to keep working towards may be more motivating and more meaningful for the kids.
Monthly Challenge: Track the number of steps (2,000 steps = 1 mile), miles, OR the time spent running, walking or exercising (20 minutes of non-stop cardio type exercise = 1 mile). Monthly certificates are provided.
Downloadable Resources
Below are supplemental materials to augment student participation.
Curriculum Ideas (Fun Fitness Activities Tied to Your English, Math, Science and Nutrition Subjects)
Additional Running and Movement Activities with Modifications
Four-Week Nutrition Plan
Monthly Activity Pace Calendars: Downloadable Daily exercise challenges
“As a teacher, I greatly enjoy the support and flexibility of the Achilles Kids program. Each of my athletes have unique abilities. Students enjoy this structured running program while increasing their endurance and stamina. For students who changed teachers or schools, this program has been particularly beneficial by helping give them a sense of stability. My students are delighted when they receive their certificates as acknowledgement of their achievement.”
— Dan Feldman, San Diego Unified School District, Adaptive Physical Education, Achilles Kids participant since 1999