Virtual Marathon Resources
Below are Virtual Marathon resources to download including customized maps of your city as well as achievement certificates for various goal levels (1M, 5M, 10M, 13.1M, 20M, and 26M). The 26.2 mile "marathon" can be completed over the course of the school year with any form of movement such as running, walking or "wheeling" laps during Adaptive PE class, recess or PT sessions.
Alabama (Huntsville)
Arizona (Phoenix)
Arkansas (Fayetteville)
California (San Diego)
Connecticut (Ledyard)
Florida (Miami)
Georgia (Savannah)
Hawaii (Honolulu)
Illinois (Chicago)
Indiana (Indianapolis)
Maine (Cumberland)
Maryland (Germantown)
Massachusetts (East Boston)
New Jersey (New Brunswick)
New York (Rockville Centre)
Ohio (Cincinatti)
Oklahoma (Tulsa)
Oregon (Salem)
Pennsylvania (Philadelphia)
Rhode Island (Providence)
Tennessee (Nashville)
Texas (Aldine)
Utah (Salt Lake City)
Virginia (Arlington)
Washington State (Vancouver)
Wisconsin (Madison)
Downloadable Resources
Editable Achievement Certificates