Emerging from COVID-19:
A Plan for Achilles Chapters - September 15, 2020

Achilles International Chapters and constituents, regardless of location, must follow the recommendations of government, national, state and local, and health organizations in their respective jurisdictions.  

Using the United States’ phased approach as a template, what we offer here are key recommendations and guidelines for resuming workouts.

Overarching guidelines for all phases: 

  • Wash hands often with soap and water or use a hand sanitizer especially after touching frequently used items or surfaces.

  • Avoid touching the face.

  • Disinfect frequently used surfaces as often as possible.

  • Sneeze or cough into a tissue or your bent elbow.

  • Wear your own face covering when in public especially when using mass transportation.

  • If you feel unwell, please stay home, contact and follow the advice of your healthcare provider.

  • Practice social distancing.

  • Athletes and Volunteers will be asked to RSVP before attending a group workout.

  • Please maintain a record of attendance (sample here) at workouts and gatherings and ask athletes and volunteers to be mindful of who enters their social circle

  • Chapter Leader or Lead Coach to adjust the attendance record post-workout and keep on file for various uses including contract tracing should it become necessary..

  • Participants in any workout or activity must have a member or volunteer form on file with Achilles International.

  • Water bottles may not be shared.


Achilles workouts continue to be suspended

  • Social settings of more than five people where social distancing is not practical should be avoided.

  • Achilles guides and athletes may meet only if both reasonable social distance can be maintained during a practice run and public transportation can be avoided. Reach out to your chapter leader if you need help finding a partner.

  • Athletes and guides who elect to meet in safe conditions must wear self-supplied gloves and masks at all times.

  • If a hand-washing station is not available, personal use hand sanitizer must be brought and used by all participants. 

  • Vulnerable individuals including the elderly and those with underlying health conditions such as high blood pressure, asthma, diabetes, chronic lung disease, obesity, or those whose immune system is compromised by treatment for cancer or other conditions, must shelter in place and avoid unnecessary travel.

  • Achilles-owned equipment (handcycles, helmets) will not be available for use.  


Achilles International workouts in modified form will resume and require advanced RSVP

  • Volunteers and athletes must follow all protocols regarding the practice of safe hygiene, face coverings and social distancing. Those who do not abide by these guidelines will be asked to leave.

  • Groups are to be kept to a maximum of 25 individuals. If social distancing is not possible at this group size, please segment into smaller groups.

  • If possible, athletes and guides may wish to arrange to run together at times outside of scheduled workouts.

  • All participants must bring gloves and a mask and wear both.

  • If a hand washing station is not available, all participants are required to have and use hand sanitizer.

  • Independent wheelers (handcyclists and pushrim racers) who own their own equipment can get out for a ride, provided social distance is maintained - easier in rural areas. Equipment should be sanitized properly pre- and post-workout, and not shared with others.

  • Achilles-owned equipment (handcycles, helmets) will not be available for use. 

  • Vulnerable individuals should continue to shelter in place and avoid unnecessary travel until the area in which they live is safely within Phase Three. Because of this, Achilles will continue to use virtual means to engage our constituents who should not be outdoors yet. 


Achilles Workouts resume with the inclusion of vulnerable individuals

  • Volunteers and athletes must follow all protocols regarding the practice of safe hygiene, face coverings and social distancing. Those who do not abide by these guidelines will be asked to leave.

  • Reasonable social distancing is required -- participants should only come within six feet of one another unless it is necessary for safety reasons (i.e. a guide needs to hold a tether for a visually impaired runner). 

  • Groups are to be kept to a maximum of 50 individuals. If reasonable social distancing is not possible at this group size, please segment into smaller groups.

  • Masks are required for all participants.

  • Hand washing station and/or hand sanitizers required for all workouts. 

  • All areas where handcycles / racing chairs are stored will be sanitized with regularity.

  • Handcyclists and handlers of equipment must sanitize the equipment with disinfecting solvent before and after use and follow all protocols regarding the practice of safe hygiene, wear masks, gloves and maintain social distance.

  • Handcyclists who share Achilles-owned equipment to ride must wear their own helmets and learn to clean them with regularity. 

As the weather becomes warmer, we ask that guides consider bringing two bottles of water to each workout. On days when the temperature is above 85 degrees F, please have bottled water available at workouts. 

If you are uncertain of what you should be doing, please reach out to your Achilles program director for guidance. 

More Information here: