Achilles Around the World Winter Update


Las Vegas

The Achilles Las Vegas team recently completed the Beyond Limits Running Jackpot Ultra-Running Festival. “It is freedom, liberty, being able to forget about everything and anything,” says Pedro Navarro, an Achilles runner who is blind. Pedro and Ed participated in the six hour event while Terri and Carla participated in the 72 hour 150-mile race. The race organizers also pledged a $20,000 gift to support Achilles Las Vegas over the next four years! We are so grateful for their support. See the chapter featured on their local FOX affiliate here.

Two female Achilles Vegas ultrarunners



Achilles International Mongolia, led by founder and CEO Saraa Otgon, celebrated the launch of a new children's book, "Our Bright Days." The heroes of the book are five Achilles Mongolia members. It teaches children about believing in themselves and that humans are one and have all different abilities. Thank you to Michael S. Klecheski, member of the Senior Foreign Service and the U.S. Ambassador to Mongolia, and F. Robert Russo Jr., Achilles Board Member for attending the book launch and supporting our work.


In February, Achilles Colombia hosted its Hope & Possibility® 5K race in celebration of disability inclusion. The event was held in Ibague-Tolima and welcomed over 200 participants. The finishers received medals as they crossed the finish line. Achilles Colombia also held a special ceremony welcoming new members to the chapter. As part of the acceptance ceremony, the chapter donated handcycles and three wheelchairs to the new members.


Achilles Ecuador hosted a race on February 20th for its athletes. Members are already hard at work training each week for local races and getting ready for a busy marathon season. Click here to watch Achilles Ecuador members showcase where they live and train. (*Video is in Spanish.)

Want to get involved? Find an Achilles chapter near you here.


Achilles International’s Citi Bike® Adaptive Cycling Program to Expand to Brooklyn, Queens and the Bronx


Celebrating Achilles Dynamic Duos on Valentine’s Day