Achilles Utah on a 365-Mile, Five-Day Tandem Bike Ride to St. George Marathon

Though the pandemic may have cancelled many endurance events last year, Achilles Utah found a creative way to keep members engaged. They spent the summer training for a challenge of their own. The team is in the midst of their inaugural Rise, Ride & Run, a 365-mile, five-day tandem bike ride from Salt Lake City to the St. George Marathon on October 2. Hear from some members of the team below and support the ride.

Tyler Fredsall, Achilles Utah volunteer guide who has been with the chapter for six years

“I am taking on the Rise, Ride, Run challenge because it seems like an amazing adventure that will give me memories I’ll cherish for a lifetime.

I strongly believe that through physical challenges a person can find an inner strength they never knew they had that will help them take on other challenges in life. I get so much joy through running and fitness and believe that everyone should and everyone can exercise to be happy and healthy. If I were unable to do it alone, I’d hope that someone would volunteer to help me. So I love volunteering for others.”

Richard Ensign volunteer guide and brother-in-law, of Achilles Utah chapter president, Ken Duke

“Ken lost his sight, but he has not lost sight of what is important. He gives hope and inspires others on a daily basis. When Ken told me about his idea to bike 365 miles to St. George, I thought he was out of his mind! I didn’t think he would pull it off.  However, Ken has a lot of tenacity and is full of drive and determination.  As I could see he was serious, I decided to jump in and join the ride.

I will be riding with Lexie, a 31 year old visually impaired rider.  She was born in Romania and adopted as a young child by a family in Wyoming.  Lexie is inspiring.  She is one of the most positive people I have been around in a long time.  She never complains, is always thanking me and is looking forward to this adventure. We recently rode a 80-mile race together called the Summit Challenge.  Her longest ride before this day was only 30 miles so it truly was a challenge as we had to climb over 4,000 vertical feet. 

She keeps saying ‘we can do this’ and I think she is right.  Hopefully this ride will be something she will remember the rest of her life.  I know I will. Thank you Achilles for making this possible.”

Learn more and help support Achilles Utah here.


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