Coach’s Corner: Strategies to Reach your Goals

Have you ever lost your motivation to do something, whether attending a race, workout, meeting, or simply getting out of bed? Mel Robbins has the answer for you: The 5 Second Rule.

“When you count backward 5,4,3,2,1, you interrupt the patterns of fear, anxiety, self-doubt, and procrastination. You don’t need motivation in order to take action. Counting 5,4,3,2,1 will quickly push you to actually make progress and do what you set out to accomplish,” she explained.

Achilles welcomed the renowned motivational speaker, CNN commentator and author to lead a virtual pep talk before the 19th annual Hope & Possibility® race in July. Mel answered questions submitted by the Achilles community on overcoming obstacles.

Tune in below to see if your question was selected and answered.

Mel’s Other Top Tips

  • One of the simple secrets to living a more fulfilled and happy life is having something to look forward to. A mile marker out in the distance that pulls you through this moment and gives you something to work toward that’s bigger than the challenges that you’re facing right now.

  • To deal with stress, activate the vagus nerve, which shifts your body from a state of being on edge to cooling it down. You can activate the nerve by humming, singing, or taking 5 deep breaths.

  • To ask for help when you are faced with many obstacles, get into a practice of writing down the things that you are stressed about.

  • When you look into the mirror, give yourself a high five in whatever version you can so you can build a partnership with yourself. Give yourself the love and celebration that you give everyone else because you deserve it.


Donor Spotlight: The Moody Endowment


The Achilles Rundown: Summer 2021 Newsletter