Team Achilles Kids Debuts in Brooklyn and Inspires Classes to Run, Walk, or Roll to the Moon

On July 15, Team Achilles Kids launched its first ever workout in Prospect Park in Brooklyn, NY, thanks to support from Dick’s Sporting Goods. After a ceremonial $15,000 check presentation and running class, local families and children enjoyed a post-workout pizza party. The new training sessions meet Thursdays at 6:00 PM ET. Those in the New York area can cheer on Team Achilles Kids runners in the New Balance 5th Avenue Mile youth race on September 12.

With another fall back to school season on the horizon, Achilles is providing new fitness challenge options below for teachers and students in our program across the country, including those who may be learning remotely.

  • Achilles Kids Moonshot: Can we collectively complete the distance to reach the moon, approximately 238,000 miles? Each month we will tally the mileage from all our schools.

  • Achilles Kids Run Across America: A 7,080-mile virtual route from Seattle, WA to Cumberland, ME, goes through all the states where Achilles Kids has chapters.

  • Monthly Step Challenge: Tracks the number of steps (2,000 steps = one mile) or the time spent running, walking or exercising (20 minutes of non-stop cardio type exercise = one mile).

  • Achilles Kids “Virtual” Marathon: With a customized map of their local city, kids can run, walk or roll laps in Adaptive PE class. Laps are tallied and converted to miles (24 laps around a full gym = one mile). 

Achilles provides monthly certificates on progress and fun, themed fact sheets related to each challenge. Interested in learning more about how your child can participate or bringing Team Achilles Kids to your school? Contact

Team Achilles Kids and Dick’s Sporting Goods Check Presentation

Achilles Around the World


Passing the Baton of Resilience and Inclusion 650-Miles up the East Coast