August - September 2020 Newsletter

Achilles Virtual Hope & Possibility® went global! Above clockwise from left to right: Achilles Brazil; Achilles Japan, Achilles Freedom Team; Achilles Mongolia

Achilles Virtual Hope & Possibility® went global! Above clockwise from left to right: Achilles Brazil; Achilles Japan, Achilles Freedom Team; Achilles Mongolia

The Achilles Cup

As the Fall season approaches, we are incredibly excited to announce an event that celebrates the power of Achilles and the spirit of friendly team competition. Announcing the first-ever Achilles Cup! The Achilles Cup is a three-week challenge and team competition that brings together the entire Achilles community. Does your team have what it takes to run the most miles and raise the most funds? Join the Achilles Cup and take the challenge. Dates October 24th - November 16th.

  • Form a Team

  • Log Your Miles

  • Complete with others for the top prize! 

  • Runners, Walkers, Wheelers are all welcome

  • Athletes, Guides, Supporters, Friends, Family, Co-workers can all join a team  

On September 21st, we will go live with our registration page. Now is the time to start recruiting and forming a team! (More details to follow.)

Also join us on November 19th for A Toast to Achilles: An Evening of Celebration and Inspiration.

Amazon Smile!

Don't forget, if you shop at Amazon please shop at When you shop here, the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price of eligible products to the charitable organization of your choice. Be sure to select Achilles! This can generate a lot of money if we can make it a simple habit for 10,000 people on our contacts + thousands of others in our personal social media contacts. Thank you!

2020 Achilles Hope & Possibility Photo Collage

Achilles Virtual Hope & Possibility® 5k/10m
Presented by TD Bank

On July 18th, nearly 3,000 individuals aged between one and 87 from 23 countries and 47 US States took on the challenge to run/walk/bike in our First Annual Achilles Virtual Hope & Possibility® 5K/10Miler Presented by TD Bank. The Achilles community came together worldwide to promote disability inclusion and awareness and celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). A handful of lucky participants won amazing raffle prizes from TD Bank, Cigna, U-Haul, Blink Fitness, Tracksmith, and Elitefeats

Our race kicked off with a Panel Discussion featuring running superstar and Tracksmith ambassador Mary Cain. Although we couldn't be together at the start line in Central Park this year, we were able to create a virtual start line ceremony that featured our treasured ambassadors Jon Stewart, Meghan McCain, Trisha MeiliSenator Tammy Duckworth and more. Kirstin Cole, PIX11 reporter and Achilles Board Member, closed the event moderating a panel discussion titled: The ADA at 30: A Turn to the Future.” The panel was led by Congressman Tony Coelho and Governor David Paterson.

Deborah Roberts and her son Nick, who is also an Achilles Athlete, congratulated all those who finished the race in this video. They can't wait to be back with us in Central Park next year! And check out our finish line montage highlighting all those miles of smiles with a special exclusive performance by Broadway's leading Baritone Norm Lewis singing our current favorite tune "Go the Distance."

A special thank you to our Presenting Sponsor - TD Bank for their dedication to diversity and inclusion and embodying the Achilles Spirit with nearly 500 employees who participated in the race. Thank you to Commissioner Victor Calise and the NYC Mayor's Office of People with Disabilities for supporting this event. Thank you to Cigna for engaging several hundreds of your employees to run/wheel/walk with the Achilles Freedom Team. We treasure your partnership! We hope you will join us for our fall virtual challenge! #GoAchilles! 

2020 Hope & Possibility: Achilles Brazil, Achilles Ecuador and Achilles Mongolia

Achilles Hope & Possibility® Race Inspires Global Participation

The Achilles Hope and Possibility® Virtual Race event was truly a collaborative response to empower our chapters around the world and help them to adapt and thrive in the face of COVID-19. It was a global event with 669 registered runners from international chapters. That’s 23% of race participants from 20 countries! The biggest teams were from Brazil and Mongolia.

As the world grapples with the coronavirus epidemic, organizations across the globe using sport as a tool for development have been forced to halt their work, unable to provide programming. Achilles International Chapters are proud to be among the leading organizations supporting important initiatives such as The Achilles Virtual Global Hope and Possibility® Race to continue to unite our members and build stronger communities. Achilles Brazil, Mongolia and Ecuador took this initiative to promote the disability rights and voice for inclusion on their National TV, radio stations and live panels and discussions on social media. They acted quickly and learned smart ways to navigate an uncertain future. The Achilles mission, “to transform the lives of people with disabilities through athletic programming and social connection,” is more important now during the pandemic. It is going to be vitally important in the way we heal for years to come.

Achilles International Chapters are looking forward to joining the Achilles Fall events and continue to address the most complex social issues around the world and have a positive impact in their communities. To capitalize on this momentum Achilles Mongolia hosted a special celebration event to present awards to Hope & Possibility® participants. Winners in different categories received certificates and medals accompanied with a complimentary New York City 2020 Virtual Marathon “Run for Medal” entry. This is just one example of how Achilles Chapters enrich the lives of our members and demonstrate the power of sports.

Click here for Achilles Mongolia H&P video.

2020-09 H&P - Covid FINAL INT Collage 600x2312.jpg

COVID-19 Stories from Around the World

Read inspiring stories about how some of our chapters around the world coped during COVID-19, never allowing this pandemic to dampen their spirit! The common thread in these wonderful stories from Achilles PeruBrazilJapan and Norway is the excitement everyone shared being able to participate in the Achilles Virtual Hope & Possibility® race during this very difficult time.

Achilles Brazil

I live in Sao Paulo, Brazil. My city is a metropolis with 11 million people. Like New York, we also had a high rate of illness and death due to Covid-19. Parks were soon closed and residents were told to stay home as much as possible. Because of this, our members and guides had to keep their activities at home. We made helpful at-home videos, which we then shared through social media such as Instagram, Facebook and YouTube. These videos helped create an incentive to motivate everyone to stay active during this difficult time. 

At the beginning of July, the parks reopened with restricted hours. The Achilles Virtual Hope & Possibility® event was a magical moment that really got everyone motivated! We participated as Team Achilles Brazil making it even more special. We had 115 registered participants including 31 disabled athletes. Special guests included Marilson Gomes dos Santos, two-time champion of the New York Marathon 2006/2008 and his wife Juliana, Pan American Champion athlete, which was a huge honor for us all. We presented medals to all our finishers. We loved the experience and hope this will be an annual event for Achilles representatives around the world.

Mario Mello, Achilles Brazil

Achilles Japan

My name is Tsuemi Ito. I am a visually impaired member of Achilles Japan. I ran my first marathon with Achilles in the 2016 New York City Marathon. I will never forget the excitement and joy I felt then, and was going to run the 2020 Berlin Marathon this year, but the race was cancelled due to COVID-19. Hearing the news of the Achilles Virtual Hope and Possibility® race, I quickly registered for the ten miler with two other runners and their guides who were also planning to run Berlin. Although we wanted to run together in Yoyogi Park—where Achilles Japan usually holds workouts—we ran separately in our neighborhoods instead.

Since the Japanese government declared a state of emergency from April to May, I could not practice much and was not sure if I could make the ten miles - but I did it! This race truly gave me the feeling of Hope and Possibility, as I learned we could run a race virtually even in the middle of a pandemic, while having fun with the support of guides and by taking sufficient safety measures.

The photo shows Reiko Shimizu, my guide and myself, both running with masks. If you look closely, connecting us is the special tether made by Reiko san, in the colors of German national flag, black, red and yellow, which we planned to use in the Berlin Marathon!

Tsuemi Ito, Achilles Japan

Achilles Norway

I have been President of Achilles Norway since 2012. I do a lot of sports and work as a physical therapist. In my free time, I train two to three times a week. In the winter I ski, in the summer I run and ride a tandem. I have also participated in triathlons. This year, our chapter planned many different activities. It was supposed to be a very rich year with national and international marathons and event tours. The first activity started in January. In February, we were to participate in the World Cup in downhill kicks, but it was unfortunately canceled due to the weather. Throughout the spring and summer there were to be more activities, but COVID-19 changed that. Instead, we had to stay inside. We were unable to train or do anything. It was very tough. We could not meet other members or socialize. Everything was cancelled and all contact was remote. Our dream was to participate in the New York Marathon's 50th anniversary this November. We had 12 members signed up -- a record number. Many members miss the activities we have annually and most of them have been cancelled. The Achilles Norway team completed only three races this year including the Achilles International Virtual Hope & Possibility® Race. H&P was a great opportunity for us and the global Achilles Community to be united and together. We are training and ready for the future Achilles Virtual events with the hope that 2021 will be a better year! 

Bedir Yiyit, President, Achilles Norway

Achilles Peru

Achilles Peru was re-established in 2017 under the leadership of Claudia Gamarra and Hugo Estrada. Hugo is one of the Chapter's original members and his involvement is crucial to the chapter's success as he continues to unite the members. Running the Achilles 2020 Virtual Hope & Possibility® race was a very special opportunity to be part of this global event. 

Elizabeth Mescua, who is a deaf runner, guided Hugo for the first time. She felt honored to try guiding. Our thanks to Luis Vasquez who helped print bibs and prepare running shirts as well as offer advice.

Another volunteer, Ivan Cubas, talked to the runners and explained the meaning of this virtual race for each runner and the larger Achilles community, especially this year. A German runner with a Peruvian heart, Dirk Rabe, joined the team from Munich. Another volunteer and potential board member, Gino Villacorta, ran to represent firefighters in Peru. His spirit lifted us with love and hope. Each of our runners had to overcome lockdown difficulties to run the race. Jean Bejar and Andrea Vargas ran as a family keeping a social distance from others. Some of our guides offered training and race advice through virtual meetings; some guided via the web to help everyone reach the finish line.

The Chapter celebrated Gabriel Ciquero's achievement, placing 30th in the H&P race results. We met so many members of Achilles from around the world, each one of them part of a colorful rainbow with its own shade. We were all ONE team! Every member has their own story, but all of us, members of Achilles community, were able to tell our stories, post our photos, share the spirit of this race as a part of one beautiful family.   As Achilles Peru, we want to continue to grow by inviting more people to our international family. Despite the situation caused by COVID19, we are stronger than ever and looking forward to new goals. GO ACHILLES!

Above clockwise, left to Right: Team Adobe members Henryk, Andrew, Agata, Tom and Katrin.

Above clockwise, left to Right: Team Adobe members Henryk, Andrew, Agata, Tom and Katrin.

Corporate Team Spotlight– Adobe

Our thanks to Team Adobe for their participation in our Hope & Possibility® Virtual Race. Agata Szyler-Seidl, an Adobe employee, who heard about us through our Achilles Germany Chapter, was moved by the Achilles mission, became a volunteer, guide and advocate for Achilles Germany. This year she returned to Singapore and inspired her colleagues from Adobe International to join the Achilles Virtual Hope and Possibility® race in July. It was a truly global run with a team of over 40 Adobe employees participating from nine countries: UK, Sweden, Ireland, France, New Zealand, Australia, Singapore, Germany, France. Thank you, ADOBE! We are looking forward to partnering with your global offices to join our Achilles International family.

Achilles Freedom Team members gearing up for the Virtual Hope and Possibility

Achilles Freedom Team

The Achilles Freedom Team (AFT) athletes and families continue to engage virtually and push themselves physically. Over 150 members came out strong to conquer miles and spread Hope & Possibility® across the U.S. in July. Other challenges coming up include 25 AFT athletes participating in the virtual Boston Marathon on September 5th-14th; Twenty-five AFT athletes will participate in the U-Haul Keep It Moving Challenge and we anticipate a big team for the historic Marine Corps Marathon & 10K on October 25th. The AFT is recalibrating as always and looking forward to some new and enriching programming opportunities in the coming months. Eternal thanks to all who support and root for this team of heroes, especially the AFT Presenting Sponsor, Cigna; the GM Military DiscountDAV, the Altschul Foundation and countless others. Your partnership matters a great deal. Follow us on Instagram: @achillesfreedomteam. 

U.S Chapters Connect

A Weekend of Hope & Possibility®

From Sept. 11th to 13th, you must not miss the first ever U-Haul Keep It Moving Challenge! U-Haul is partnering with Achilles CT, Achilles Nashville and Achilles New Jersey to support all three Hope & Possibility® virtual races. The U-Haul Keep It Moving Challenge features an Achilles Connecticut 5K, an Achilles Nashville 5-Miler and an Achilles New Jersey 4-Miler! Challenge yourself, challenge a friend, run one a day for the three days, or do the triple challenge in one day. If the Triple Dare is too much for you, visit Achilles Nashville and/or Achilles NJ and select a single race option. However you choose to do it, just keep it moving! Bibs are being sent via email along with instructions for taking and sharing the best photo of yourself in action!

#goachilles. #UHaulkeepitmovingchallenge. #UHaul75 #AchillesNashvilleHP2020

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact our ability to come together in person, but it has given us all the opportunity to get to know one another a whole lot better via Google and Zoom meetings! Most, if not all, Chapters host virtual gatherings and the few Chapters that have resumed in-person weekly workouts are following local government health and safety guidelines and keeping attendance records. Achilles International’s Virtual Hope & Possibility® in July gave us something to look forward to. When bibs arrived in the mail like big postcards, people were posting photos of them on social media. Participating U.S. Chapters included New York City, Queens, Brooklyn, Chicago, New Jersey, Philadelphia, Colorado, Tucson, Phoenix, Washington DC, Nashville, Madison, Wisconsin; Connecticut, Las Vegas, San Francisco, Boston and Arkansas.

To bring greater awareness to Achilles International’s National presence, chapters, program offerings – virtual and otherwise – we are reaching out to similarly-missioned nonprofit organizations at the national level. A Town Hall moderated by United Cerebral Palsy’s (UCP) President and CEO Armando Contreras was well attended by UCP affiliate executives as part of this initiative. The American Council of the Blind (ACB) hosted a panel called Learn to Fly with Achilles. Speakers were TriAchilles Director Francesco Magisano and Volunteer Guide Zoe Costanzo; New York City Marathon Guide Chloe Klein, Achilles Houston handcyclist Gloria Suarez and Volunteer Guide Juan Sorto. Also on the panel were Emily Glasser, Achilles President and CEO and Ellie Cox-Nihill, Achilles Director of U.S. Chapter Development.

A Transition in Texas: Achilles International is pleased to announce that Achilles athlete Gloria Suarez assumed leadership of the Achilles Houston Chapter. Gloria joined Achilles Houston in 2018 as an athlete and has served as the Volunteer Coordinator since November 2018. "I am certain Gloria is a great choice for Chapter President. She has a passion for the mission of Achilles, and we know that when Gloria sets her sights on a goal, it's going to happen," said Ellie Cox-Nihill. Rounding out the Houston’s Leadership Team are: Cathy Samuelsen, Doug Dillard and Stephanie Kuzydym

Achilles Connecticut is engaged and connected through an ongoing Virtual Workout Competition, which involves athletes and guides paired virtually and tracking their weekly exercise hours. Ending in October, prizes to the winning team are generously donated by Fleet Feet Sports Hartford and soundRUNNER. Close to 100 members participated in the Achilles CT virtual 1.5 mile, 5K or 10K Hope & Possibility® held August 9th to 22nd. Achilles CT will be an Official Charity Partner of the 2020 Virtual Eversource Hartford Marathon, Half & 5K October 8-11. Registration is $25 for any distance and all are welcome to join Team Achilles in the race.

Achilles Connecticut: Team Harry

On the left: Team Harry finishing his virtual CT H&P in Farmington, CT Front (selfie): Kristen Corso, volunteer. Left- Kate Plummer, volunteer. Center- Harry McKinstry, athlete. Rear-Traver Garrity-volunteer.

Recently chapter leaders were invited to a Fundraising Webinar featuring Ryan Quick, Achilles Director of Development, with Amy Harris, Achilles Nashville's Executive Director. A private area of the Achilles International Website has been created to house the webinars so Chapter Leaders can view them at their convenience. Next up will be Financial Reporting featuring Achilles Controller Michael Skluth and Ellie Cox-Nihill. It will provide information about the structure of Achilles International, record-keeping requirements, online campaign reconciliations, and the all-important quarterly financial reports, among other things.

Achilles Tucson is participating in the Jim Click's Millions for Tucson Raffle and selling raffle tickets online rather than door-to-door! Please do what you can to spread the word. Who knows? You could win one of three amazing prizes!

A few TAK all-stars running the Virtual Hope & Possibility 5k/10M

Team Achilles Kids

Team Achilles Kids brought the heat this summer! We had a goal of getting 50 TAK athletes, guides, and friends to sign up for the Achilles Virtual Hope & Possibility® race and we surpassed that goal by almost 20 registrants! With two special H&P kids events, including a super fun team relay workout, Team Achilles Kids proved nothing was going to stop them from achieving their goals and crossing the virtual finish line!

Our 2020 goal of doing a (now, virtual) race each month continues. In August TAK participated in the Camp Sunshine TAK Virtual Challenge race to help support Camp Sunshine. This virtual race consisted of tracking participant’s mileage each day in order to reach the team’s collective goal of 250 miles in two weeks. Within the first week, we accumulated almost 400 miles so we bumped up our goal to a whopping 750 miles! Proof that these kids are unstoppable!

We are continuing live workouts twice a month with Janet Patton and Coach Angie Bullaro on Saturdays at 10am ET and live yoga with Coach Angie every other Wednesday at 5pm ET. So far we’ve had two super special guests join us to lead a workout. Manon Rhéaume - the first and only woman to play a game in the National Hockey League (NHL) - led a hockey-themed workout with the kids. And Phil Hanson - the youngest Asian Le Mans Series Champion - led a race car themed workout. 

Know a kid who would be interested in joining Team Achilles Kids virtual program? Contact Coach Angie for more details and to sign them up!

ADA Panel Discussion

On Sunday, July 26th, Achilles hosted a panel discussion to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Our panelists provided insights about, and perspective on this remarkable piece of legislation. While it's clear that we have accomplished a great deal, there is also much we have yet to address to make ours a society of equal opportunity and access.

The discussion, led by Achilles board member Kirstin Cole (Reporter, WPIX-TV), featured the following thought leaders in the disability community:

Governor David Paterson, former Governor of New York and Chairman of Achilles International;

Tony Coelho, former Member of the U.S. House of Representatives and primary sponsor of the Americans with Disabilities Act;

John Pluhowski, Chief Communications Officer, TD Bank;

Francesco Magisano, Director, Achilles Triathlon Team; and,

Minda Dentler, Para-Triathlete, motivational speaker, mom, Senior Product Manager.

To view a recording, click HERE.


November-December 2020 Newsletter


June - July 2020 Newsletter